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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Moore’s Law

Moore's Law is the law that describes the trend of development of computer hardware in the long term. According to Moore's Law: Development of Information Technology in the field of computer hardware has doubled every 18 months or 1.5 years.

For example, proving Moore's Law there is a statement from a Professor. He stated in 1968, GMU get a computer with 4 MB memory. And in 1998, we already know the computer with 4 GB of memory. Now we try to do the calculation by the method of Moore's Law.

1998 to 1968, the difference of 30 years (20 x 1.5 years). In accordance with Moore's law means that in 30 years, occurred 20 times increase in the capacity of computer memory. Thus, we get 2 to the power 20 = 2 to the power 10 x 2 to the power 10 = 1024 x 1024 = + 1 million. Proven in 1998, we get the memory capacity of 1 million times compared with the memory capacity in 1968.

Moore's Law is proven exactly predict the development trend of computer hardware. But Moore's Law can not measure how many times the usefulness of the computer later in the year 2029 compared to 2009 present. Due to the faster growth along with the acceleration of development of computers.


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