Efforts to Improve Computer Performance
Now times have changed into an era that emphasizes speed. So also with the performance of a computer. Along with a number of software / programs that are installed on the computer, we often feel our computer's performance becomes increasingly slow. Or sometimes we him we are getting slower computer performance. This is normal especially with increasing duration of use of computers with various programs therein.
Here is a way to lighten the load so that the computer will work faster. As for the business - the business are as follows:
1. Uninstall Program Not Used
Although it is not executed, the program that rarely or never used can influence the performance of the computer. Especially programs that save the setting-the setting in the registry. Why? Because every time the computer starts, the windows registry will be loaded into memory, so the greater the size, the memory used will be greater.
2. Check the Programs that automatically runs on Windows
This can be checked with a program like autoruns. Usually there are several programs that are always running that really is not that important or less important.
3. Defragment Hard Drive
This can be done via the Start Menu -> Accesories> System Tools> Disk Defragment. Whose purpose is to reorganize the files according to priorities.
4. Turn off the Service is Not Used
This requires a little knowledge about computers. Services is a program / library as well which is run every computer is on. Can be seen through the Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Services. If the computer is never used an online (internet), there are several services that can be deactivated.
5. Avoid the Use of Skin windows
Sometimes the use of appearance / skin extra windows can affect performance significantly. Especially the use of additional software. We recommend that if you want a different look just use Windows Themes (default Windows).
6. Turn off Some Visual Effects Windows
In addition, some effects of windows xp is not so important to turn off. Can be done via right-click on My Computer and select Properties. On the Advanced tab in the Performance section click the Settings button. Can be deactivated Visual effects are not so important.
7. Additional Limit the Number of Fonts
This affects all applications that use fonts like MicrosoftOffice Options. With many additional fonts will affect the memory used and the loading will be noticeably slower.
8. Delete Icon on the Desktop is Not Important
Often programs that are installed on the computer will create a new shortcut (icon) on the desktop. If we rarely use these icons, better delete it, can reduce memory consumption.
9. Scan Computer from Viruses, Spyware, trojans and the like
If the computer is infected with a virus, most of the performance will decrease, might even be a very slow computer. Therefore should always be maintained so that the computer is virus free. Moreover, if the computers are often connected to the Internet, it should be about once a month on the computer scan for spyware, mallware and the like. Do not forget, its download is also updated regularly.
10. Use Alternative Software More Lightweight
Some software is only used to cage a few simple things. For example using ACD See only to look at pictures or photos only. If you just want to see a picture with a standard format, it can use the default windows, because ACD See is quite heavy, especially the latest versions.
11. Using TuneUp Software, Defragment and the like
If we are difficulties with the manual system optimization and want an easy way, then we can use the programs TuneUp, Defragment Registry, and the like.
12. Hardware Upgrades
If you have additional funds and specs are still a mediocre computer can then upgrade hardware such as Memory, CPU or VGA. The most influential normally Memory and CPU. More influential to display VGA graphics, usually used by the designer or a gaming enthusiast.
13. Install Birthday
Sometimes the system is very old and full of programs that many do not / rarely used, though it was still slow in the optimization. If so, maybe re-install is the best solution, because usually with a system that is more "fresh" performance can be maximized.
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