• Pada Algoritma pencarian banyak yang bisa kita temukan atau gunakan. Ada Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Bubble Sort, dan...
  • Pada dasarnya algoritma searching banyak kita jumpai. Apalagi hanya untuk mencari nilai minimum dan nilai maximum...
  • Kalian pasti sudah tahu apa itu Deret Fibonacci, ya benar. (Padahal gak jawab). Tetapi pada pembahasan kali ini kita akan membuar program...
  • Metoda Pencarian Biner ( Binary Search) hanya bisa diterapkan jika data array sudah terurut. Pengurutan Array bisa menggunakan jenis sorting ...
  • Salah satu contoh tipe algoritma brute force lainnya adalah linear search (pencarian berurutan), Dikatakan demikian karena algoritma ini menggunakan ...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tutorial Menggunakan Aplikasi Rental Sepeda Motor Matic

Pada postingan sebelumnya saya telah memosting tentang Aplikasi Rental Sepeda Motor Matic. Karena ada permintaan untuk tutorial / cara penggunaan Aplikasi Rental Sepeda Motor Matic maka saya akan berbagi caranya.

Ini adalah algoritma atau cara penggunaan Aplikasi Rental Sepeda Motor Matic :

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Aplikasi Rental Sepeda Motor Matic : Moto Matic Rent

Sekarang ini banyak rental disekitar kita. Ada yang membuka rental CD, rental Mobil, rental PS, dan lain – lain. Belum lama kami menemukan sebuah rental sepeda motor. Sekarang ini masih jarang orang atau perusahaan membuka rental sepeda motor.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Prosedur Antrian Pembelian Tiket Sepak Bola

Pada kasus antrian kali ini kelompok kami memilih tema antrian pembelian tiket sepak bola. Antrian pembelian tiket sepak bola adalah sistem saluran majmuk yaitu sumber pelayanan lebih dari satu saluran yang beroperasi secara bersamaan. Pada antrian pembelian sepak bola menggunakan antrian non preemptive dan dikombinasikan dengan antrian first come first serve. Antrian non preemptive yaitu

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Displays Unique Array Series

Not really long post on my favorite blog. Miss all of you equally. This time I will share about the unique array. What I mean by an array of unique? I mean that is an array that is displayed is the number that has no similarity of numbers in the input data. Sorry if my language covered. Hehehe ...
Immediately, at its core. As an illustration,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Efforts to Improve Computer Performance

Now times have changed into an era that emphasizes speed. So also with the performance of a computer. Along with a number of software / programs that are installed on the computer, we often feel our computer's performance becomes increasingly slow. Or sometimes we him we are getting slower computer performance. This is normal especially with increasing duration of use of computers with various programs therein.

Structure and Function Computer

Computer structure is defined as the ways of each of the components are interrelated. Computer function is defined as the operation of each component as part of the structure. The function of each component in the structure above is as follows:

Evolutionary History of Computers

The first generation of computers, marked by the discovery vacuum tubes as a means of signal amplifier. This generation was replaced by the generation of transistors, and finally the third generation arose with the advent of the IC-Chip. Now a lot of debate, whether the microprocessor which is the development and improvement of capabilities of the IC-chip can be regarded as the pioneer generation of the fourth, or still remains on the third generation. The reason that support is, the ability of the microprocessor is well above the IC-Chip,

Moore’s Law

Moore's Law is the law that describes the trend of development of computer hardware in the long term. According to Moore's Law: Development of Information Technology in the field of computer hardware has doubled every 18 months or 1.5 years.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sample Program Reversing Integer Value

Because of slipshod work on the problems to be wrong. Today've just finished a course UAS algorithms and programming. There is a question that addresses the problem of reversing an integer value. Overnight taste already going out, but instead was not made. And it turns out real. Finally, not 100%, as pressed for time as well.

Now we will discuss the reverse problem. To our wasteful process like this:


Kisi - kisi UAS Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Buat temen - temen yang kemarin ketinggalan pertemuan terakhir dengan pak Wahyu dan tidak mendapatkan kisi - kisi UAS, maka sekarang bisa kalian dapakan disini.
Selamat belajar kawan. Semoga kita semua bisa mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. Amin..
Good luck!  :D

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Arrays C + +: Changing Array Dimensions 2 Become 1 Dimensions

Any type can be used as the base type of an array. We can create an array of ints, an array of Strings, an array of Object and so on. Mainly, because the array is the type Java class, we can create an array of type array.

For example an array of type int [], also has an array of type int automatically [][], the "array of arrays of type int". Array is called a two-dimensional array. Of course, with type int juag [][], we can make [][][], arraynya of type int which is a 3-dimensional array, and so on. There is no limit how many dimensions the array that we created, but rather something that is usually done to make the array more than 3 dimensions. Our discussion will be devoted to two-dimensional array. Type BaseType [] [] is usually pronounced "two-dimensional array of type base-type" or "array of array base-type".

How to connect the array?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Klikot : Jawaban Postes Praktikkum Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Buat temen - temen yang mau download jawaban postes praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrograman yang sudah Pak Wahyu share di klikot bisa numpang ambil disini :

1. Big Integer
2. Change The Selection Sort
3. Data Sales

Semoga bermanfaat !

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aplikasi Mobile Phone "IshakuIkky"


Untuk pertama kalinya kami(saya dan teman satu team) membuat aplikasi mobile phone atau aplikasi yang dapat diinstal di handphone. Aplikasi ini kami beri nama " IshakuIkky ", yaitu aplikasi untuk merekap pulsa bagi para penjual pulsa berjalan yang sering meminjamkan pulsa, atau bahasa gaulnya "ngutangke pulsa".

Dalam kasus sehari - hari ditemukan penjual pulsa berjalan sering mencatat hutang - hutang pulsa di handphone, juga sering  lupa dengan teman/orang yang sudah membayar lunas atau belum lunas. Dan sering lupa akan nominal hutang yang dibeli oleh teman/orang tersebut.

Ini adalah tampilan awal IshakuIkky. Didalam menu ada banyak pilihan yang bisa dipilih.

Terimakasih atas partisipasi teman - teman semua. Jangan lupa terus mampir diblog ini, karena masih banyak lagi hal - hal yang menarik. :D

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sorting by Diminishing Increment : Sort The Random Numbers by Way of Sorting by Diminishing Increments

Problems on the case this time as follows, given a randomly ordered set  of n numbers sort them into non-descending ordered using Shell’s diminishing increment menthod.

We can develop a sorting algorithm by diminishing increment following. A method is needed that initially move element s over long distances then, as the sort progresses,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Deret Geometri : Scored Geometry and Geometric Series Addition Results

Geometric series can be written as follows :

          a + ar² + ....... + arn-1

            a : tribe initial
          r : ratio
          n : a lot of tribes

For the number of runs formula n geometry like this:


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Deret Aritmatika: Program Seeking Series Arithmetic and Number Series Arithmetic

Arithmetic series in the field of mathematics is the sequence number in which the next number of additions to the previous number by a number of specific differences. Examples are 3,5,7,9,11,13, ..... Arithmetic series can be expressed with the following formula:


Friday, May 27, 2011

Searching (Array One Dimension) : Finding a Number From Several Numbers

Still talking one-dimensional array problem. In the array much to do kit. From the most minor sort the numbers to the greatest or from greatest to smallest. Also we will discuss this time is to find a number of the many numbers entered.

For example there is input data 5, 6, 2, 4, 8. 5 will automatically be stored in the array index of 1, 6 will be stored in the array index 2, 2 will be stored in the array index of 3, 4 will be stored in the array index 4, 8 will be stored in the array index 5,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Join The Set: The Multiplication On The Set

This time we will discuss the multiplication on the set or the more frequently heard hipunan join. Multiple purpose here is not like multiplying 2 x 3 = 5, but we are combining two or more sets.

For example we have set A and B, A × B means the set of all ordered pairs with the first element of each pair selected from A and the second element selected from B.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Matrix Symmetry: Program to Check a Matrix Symmetry

This time I will discuss about the matrix symmetry.

Box matrix A is called symmetric if A = AT
Examples of symmetric matrices:

Theorem :

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Array : Reversing Array Element (Membalik Elemen Array)

Arrays are data structures that contain data types that have the same type. Arrays are also a bunch of memory-related (contiguous). Arrays have the same name and type. To refer to a particular location or element in the array à + name of the array index.

Arary following illustration
Array name
     Position number
Upon the memory we can modify it so that we can reverse the order of elements or numbers included in the array elements.

In the program we could use the swap, namely the exchange of array elements. For example:

Now how to implement into the programming language. We simply change the value element of an array. Ie having a smaller element is converted into a larger and elements that have a larger element is converted into smaller ones. So that the artifacts of a pattern and we can determine the recurrence formula.

I get the formula like this:

To better understand the longer I have to prepare a finished program. So that could be better understood anymore. Programs can be didownliad in here. check it bro!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Merge Sort : Ordering Numbers to Merge Sort Method (Mengurutkan Bilangan dengan Metode Merge Sort)

Merge sort is a sorting algorithm in computer science designed to meet the needs of sorting on a data set that does not allow to be stored in computer memory because the amount is too large. This algorithm was invented by John von Neumann in 1945.

Algorithms merge sort
The main principle is implemented in the algorithm merge-sort often referred to as divide and conquer (bahasa Indonesia: pecah-belah dan taklukkan). How it works merge sort algorithm is to divide the given data array into two smaller parts. Both of the new array will then be sorted separately. After both lists are composed of fruit, then the new array will be formed as a result of the merger of two previous lines. According to its effectiveness, this algorithm works with the level of effectiveness O(nlog(n)).

Examples of application of an array as a data source to be sorted {12, 9, 4, 99, 120, 1, 3, 10} are as follows:

 To illustrate how the merge sort runs as follows:

As learning materials are also source code. Source code can be run with the compiler Jeliot (Java Eliot).
Source code can be downloaded in here
Hopefully helpful friend. Eagerness to continue learning! :D

Referensi : wikipedia

Quick Sort : Sorting Random Numbers with Quick Sort (Mengurutkan Bilangan Acak dengan Quick Sort)

Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithms. Quicksort first big divide the list into two sub-lists are smaller, low and high elements. Quicksort can then recursively sort the sub-list.

These steps are :
  1. Select an element, called a pivot, from the list.
  2. Then list all elements with values ​​less than the pivot moved before or left side of pivote, while all elements with value greater than the pivot moved to the right of the pivot. This is called the partition operation.
  3. Recursively sort the list of sub-elements that are smaller and sub​​-list elements is greater.

For more details, note the following images :

How it works sort the numbers with the Quick Sort is as follows:

For a complete program that can be tried can be downloaded at here
Java-language programs. In order to be executed in Jeliot (Java Eliot).

Friday, May 13, 2011

Kriptografi : Program C++ Enkripsi dan Deskripsi

Cryptography is the science and an art to maintain the confidentiality of messages (data or information) in a way to disguise it into a form that can not be understood. The purpose encryption is that the content of the message can not be understood by unauthorized people.

Some basic terminology of cryptography :
1.      Plainteks (plaintext or cleartext, meaning the text is clear and understandable): messages are kept confidential.
2.      Chiperteks (ciphertext or cryptogram, meaning encrypted text): encoding the message.
3.      Enkripsi (encryption atau enchipering): encoding process of the plaintext to chiperteks.
4.      Dekripsi (decryption atau dechipering): reversal process of the ciphertext to plain text
5.      Algoritma kriptografi (atau chiper):

Example :
plainteks  : uang disimpan di balik buku X
chiperteks: j&kloP(d$gkhtpuBn%6^klp..t@8^

Mathematical notation

For example:
C = chiperteks
P = plaintext
then the encryption function E mapping P  to C  -->  E(P) = C, and
decryption function D maps C  to P   --> D(C) = P 

Caesar Cipher
Caesar Cipher is an algorithm by substituting characters with other characters.

Substitution table:

pi : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ci : D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C

With each letter of the alphabet to encode an integer as follows: A = 0, B = 1, ..., Z = 25, then mathematically caesar cipher to encrypt the plaintext pi become ci with the rules:

ci = E(pi) = (pi + 3) mod 26

and decryption chiperteks ci  become pi with rules : pi = D(ci) = (ci – 3) mod 26  

To encrypt or description of the program can be made. We are of the friction with the ASCII code of key. In the example rules above, key = 3. In the program we can use the input from the user how many keys.

This function for encryption :

void kriptografi::enkripsi(){
     for(int i=0; i<strlen(plain); i++){

Here's to a description :

void kriptografi::deskripsi(){
     for (int i=0; i<strlen(chiper); i++){

Complete program to be tried can be downloaded here

Big Integer : Many Digit Addition with Integer Data Type (Penjumlahan Banyak Digit dengan Tipe Data Integer)

You all know that the numbers are integer data types must be limited to 10 digits only. And what if kitaa want to add a lot of digits. Suppose we have a 30-digit numbers. Surely if we create a program using only integer types aka error results. Therefore, we can use arrays. Each digit aka stored in a single array element. Example :

We take the first number 57575757, the second number 12345678
In the program number will be stored in each array element.

The first number

The second number


Having obtained such that every sum of digits performed live. But here happened the outcome of the sum is also stored role in every element of the array. As the above example will occur 7 + 8 = 15. Number 15 aka the last element stored in the array. So we must be smart - smart play with the computer. We use modulo to get the number 5. So that is not stored in the memory array 15. The next smaller digit we add 1. Because 10 of 15 had been added in front of him. As usual summation in primary schools.

Based on that logic could be a program that can count up the number of big integers. That is the number of type integer, but has plenty of appropriate digits we want.

Writing can be made ​​like this :
void aritmatika::penjumlahan(){
     for(int i=(digit-1);i>=0;i--){
             if (jumlah[i] >9 && i !=0){

Easy right opponent? Next let us work. For all the code themselves can be downloaded here

Vektor : Program C + + Vector Addition and Multiplication Vector (Program C++ Penjumlahan Vektor dan Perkalian Vektor)


Scalar is a quantity sufficient magnitude is expressed alone (not dependent on the way). For example: mass, time, energy and so on.
The vector is a quantity that depends on the direction. For example: speed, force, momentum, etc.

In Cartesian coordinates :
       Vector direction / unit vector is a vector of magnitude 1 and in accordance with a defined direction. For example in Cartesian coordinates: i, j, k, respectively - each state vector in the direction parallel to the x axis, y axis and the axis z.
        So that the vector a can be written :

                                a = ax  i + ay  j

          and the large vector a is :
                                a = sqrt( ax +  ay 2 )
Addition operation :
A + B = ?
        + Sign in the summation vector has extended meanings.
         So A + B has a mean vector A may be extended by the vector B.

Vector multiplication by scalar :
Examples of a vector multiplication by a scalar in physics: F = ma, p = mv, etc.
where m: scalar and a, v: vector.
If for example A and B are vectors and k is a scalar then,

                    B = k A

Large vector B is k times while the direction of the vector A vector B is equal to the direction of vector A when k positive and the opposite if k is negative. Example: F = QE, q is the electric charge can be charged positive or negative so that the direction of F depends on the charge sign.

Based on the case, here's created a program to compute the vector addition and multiplication by a scalar vector. To sum ​​as follows :

void vektor::penjumlahan_vektor(const vektor& a, const vektor& b){
     if (a.banyak > b.banyak) banyak = a.banyak;
     else banyak = b.banyak;
     for(int i=0;i<banyak;i++){
             elemen[i] = a.elemen[i] + b.elemen[i];
For vector multiplication with skalar be made ​​like this :

void vektor::perkalian_vektor(float k, const vektor& d){
     banyak = d.banyak;
     for(int i=0;i<banyak;i++){
             elemen[i]=k * d.elemen[i];

Complete program can be downloaded here

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pretes dan Postes Praktikum ke-7 Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Download dibawah ini :


Rekursif : Calculating the Value Program with Recursive Factorial (Program Menghitung Nilai Faktorial dengan Rekursif)

In mathematics, the factorial of n natural numbers is the result of multiplication of positive integers less than or equal to n. Factorial written as n! and is called n factorial.

For example, 5! is worth 5×4×3×2×1 = 120.

Recursive function is a function that does the loop by calling itself.
The definition is recursive, which is defined for n>= 0

C++ is recursively defined as follows

Complete the program you can downloaded here

referensi :

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jeliot version : Make a Pyramid Star with Jeliot (Menbuat Piramida Bintang dengan Jeliot)

Sometimes - sometimes at the university each began learning the looping problem (loop) we will see a task to create a pyramid of stars. Therefore I will discuss the issue and help solve it.
To create a pyramid of stars we have to use nested loops. Nested iteration loops is contained in the loop. The loop is suitable for making this pyramid is using for loop. Why choose for loop? Because of this loop for sure. We will repeat how many times can be determined easily.
How does the writing program ?
Here I use the compiler Jeliot, so that the manufacturing process can be seen easily. So it can easily to be understood. First we create a loop to limit / line. After that we created also in the loop iteration space in order to print can bitang sebada middle. The second we live looping to create a star print.
Let not this footage dizziness program :
    // to determine the line
for (baris=1;baris<=tinggi;baris ++){
                 //print the space
                 for (i=1;i<=tinggi-baris;i++){
       System.out.print(" ");
                 //star print
                 for (j=1;j<2*baris;j++){

After dbuat program and will run resulting in output like the following :

For program details can be downloaded here. Hopefully helpful friend. Do not forget to comment!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Phytagoras : Calculating the Triangle Elbow Side (Menghitung Sisi Segitiga Siku - Siku)

In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. This theorem named after the Greek philosopher and mathematician, 6th century BC, Pythagoras. Pythagorean theorem is often regarded as the inventor of this despite the fact that the facts of this theorem is already known by mathematicians Indian, Greek, Chinese and Babylonians long before Pythagoras was born. Pythagoras is credited as the first to prove the universal truth of this theorem by mathematical proofs.

Pythagorean Theorem states that :
Extensive number of squares on the legs of a right triangle equals the area in square hipotenus. Or more akrapnya is the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum square of the other.

A triangle is a triangle having a right angle; his feet are two sides that form a right angle, and hipotenus is a third side opposite the right angle is. In the picture below, a and b are the legs of a right triangle and c is hipotenus :


c2 = a2 + b2

Pythagorean theorem states goemetris in style, as a broad statement about the square:
Extensive number of blue squares and red squares equals the area purple.

For that I want to create a program that can calculate the one side of the triangle seku - elbow. In this program there is the selection of inputs. Side - which side are already known so that it can be input and the unknown side of the output.

For the formula I created like this :

There are many variations of the formula for its program. To try it you can download it at here 
referensi : wikipedia.com

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