Merge Sort : Ordering Numbers to Merge Sort Method (Mengurutkan Bilangan dengan Metode Merge Sort)
Merge sort is a sorting algorithm in computer science designed to meet the needs of sorting on a data set that does not allow to be stored in computer memory because the amount is too large. This algorithm was invented by John von Neumann in 1945.
Algorithms merge sort
The main principle is implemented in the algorithm merge-sort often referred to as divide and conquer (bahasa Indonesia: pecah-belah dan taklukkan). How it works merge sort algorithm is to divide the given data array into two smaller parts. Both of the new array will then be sorted separately. After both lists are composed of fruit, then the new array will be formed as a result of the merger of two previous lines. According to its effectiveness, this algorithm works with the level of effectiveness O(nlog(n)).
Examples of application of an array as a data source to be sorted {12, 9, 4, 99, 120, 1, 3, 10} are as follows:
To illustrate how the merge sort runs as follows:
As learning materials are also source code. Source code can be run with the compiler Jeliot (Java Eliot).
Source code can be downloaded in here
Hopefully helpful friend. Eagerness to continue learning! :D
Referensi : wikipedia
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