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Friday, May 13, 2011

Kriptografi : Program C++ Enkripsi dan Deskripsi

Cryptography is the science and an art to maintain the confidentiality of messages (data or information) in a way to disguise it into a form that can not be understood. The purpose encryption is that the content of the message can not be understood by unauthorized people.

Some basic terminology of cryptography :
1.      Plainteks (plaintext or cleartext, meaning the text is clear and understandable): messages are kept confidential.
2.      Chiperteks (ciphertext or cryptogram, meaning encrypted text): encoding the message.
3.      Enkripsi (encryption atau enchipering): encoding process of the plaintext to chiperteks.
4.      Dekripsi (decryption atau dechipering): reversal process of the ciphertext to plain text
5.      Algoritma kriptografi (atau chiper):

Example :
plainteks  : uang disimpan di balik buku X
chiperteks: j&kloP(d$gkhtpuBn%6^klp..t@8^

Mathematical notation

For example:
C = chiperteks
P = plaintext
then the encryption function E mapping P  to C  -->  E(P) = C, and
decryption function D maps C  to P   --> D(C) = P 

Caesar Cipher
Caesar Cipher is an algorithm by substituting characters with other characters.

Substitution table:

pi : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ci : D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C

With each letter of the alphabet to encode an integer as follows: A = 0, B = 1, ..., Z = 25, then mathematically caesar cipher to encrypt the plaintext pi become ci with the rules:

ci = E(pi) = (pi + 3) mod 26

and decryption chiperteks ci  become pi with rules : pi = D(ci) = (ci – 3) mod 26  

To encrypt or description of the program can be made. We are of the friction with the ASCII code of key. In the example rules above, key = 3. In the program we can use the input from the user how many keys.

This function for encryption :

void kriptografi::enkripsi(){
     for(int i=0; i<strlen(plain); i++){

Here's to a description :

void kriptografi::deskripsi(){
     for (int i=0; i<strlen(chiper); i++){

Complete program to be tried can be downloaded here

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